Helps transfer the weight from your M4 or AR-15 style Rifle to body armor or chest rig
Joseph Graf
Owner, R-HOOK
I am a veteran with a new startup company, reason for starting my business is to offer a good product made in the USA and add more products to the business in time. The reason is to be able to help my family by having the means to do so, financial independence. I think that most of us set a goal and try to get there and in my case it’s for family.
Not just a veteran owned company, but with a goal of giving back.
Seen a need to make my patrol hook, you attach it on your body armor that has molle system and the purpose is to help support some of the weight of your m-4 or AR style rifle and keeps the sling from not pulling on the back of your neck. And it accommodates left and right-handed shooters, the hook can be changed simply by pulling the cotter pin and shifting it to the other side. The patrol hook is set up for right-handed shooters has a slight cant built into it so when you rest your rifle in the open hook your rifle will point a little downward, so you’re not flagging your buddy next to you. Oh, should add, the colors are black and gray but feel free to spray paint it any color you want.
It's worth trying something and fall on your face then never try and regret not trying.